I'm a recent convert to the office for the same set of growing up reasons you explain. Now I find the rhythm so comforting. AND it is predominantly passages of scripture. My babbling still goes alongside it as I feel prompted. JJohn talks of making your prayers intentional and the office is a good skeleton for this. Prayer is the single most important action for others that we're asked to do.
Ha. My wife challenged that when she proofed it and I explained that I used different words on purpose for different things. The fact prayers are pre-written and enforced (prescriptive) is often a good thing. But this can feel proscriptive. Wow, I have sharp readers!
And if you use the Daily Prayer app, then you might like to receive short devotional reflections on the Morning Prayer Bible readings. Christ-centred, exegetical, doctrinally rich, devotional. Each day also gives you a prayer point connecting the Bible readings to the Lord's Prayer. FREE from here: https://www.stgeorgesshrewsbury.church/bible-reflections
Great to read this. I too as an evangelical have discovered the importance of good liturgy and wish there was more of it in evangelical churches. Through hearing Alastair Roberts (eg https://youtu.be/bdJcl_O1PXo?feature=shared), and Theopolis Institute, this has helped open my eyes.
I've been enjoying using Jonathan Gibson's Be Thou My Vision
https://uk.10ofthose.com/product/9781433578199/be-thou-my-vision-cloth-bound and the Christmas one, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel also highly recommended
I'm a recent convert to the office for the same set of growing up reasons you explain. Now I find the rhythm so comforting. AND it is predominantly passages of scripture. My babbling still goes alongside it as I feel prompted. JJohn talks of making your prayers intentional and the office is a good skeleton for this. Prayer is the single most important action for others that we're asked to do.
A quick question: did you mean PREscriptive rather than PROscriptive?
An enjoyable and thought-provoking read.
Jenny - former proof reader and Children's Librarian
Ha. My wife challenged that when she proofed it and I explained that I used different words on purpose for different things. The fact prayers are pre-written and enforced (prescriptive) is often a good thing. But this can feel proscriptive. Wow, I have sharp readers!
And if you use the Daily Prayer app, then you might like to receive short devotional reflections on the Morning Prayer Bible readings. Christ-centred, exegetical, doctrinally rich, devotional. Each day also gives you a prayer point connecting the Bible readings to the Lord's Prayer. FREE from here: https://www.stgeorgesshrewsbury.church/bible-reflections
Hope that's okay James!
Thank you James - really helpful. I have shared onwards. Just last month I started using this really helpful a brother recommended - https://www.thegoodbook.co.uk/be-thou-my-vision-1
Great to read this. I too as an evangelical have discovered the importance of good liturgy and wish there was more of it in evangelical churches. Through hearing Alastair Roberts (eg https://youtu.be/bdJcl_O1PXo?feature=shared), and Theopolis Institute, this has helped open my eyes.
Yup. HUGE fan of Roberts, Leithart and Theopolis - and the man behind it all, James Jordan...