“The Exeter Lammas Fair lasted three days, continuing into the 19th century.” (I don’t know if this it’s possible to quote from the post so I have just put what I want to comment on inside quotation marks.)
So, did the Fair start on Tuesday, 30 December 1800, or Wednesday, 31 December 1800?
Or maybe you are one of those people who considers that the century ends on the year ending in 99. And that would mean that the dates are 100 years earlier than what I have quoted. But I haven’t found out what the days of the week were in those years.
“The Exeter Lammas Fair lasted three days, continuing into the 19th century.” (I don’t know if this it’s possible to quote from the post so I have just put what I want to comment on inside quotation marks.)
So, did the Fair start on Tuesday, 30 December 1800, or Wednesday, 31 December 1800?
Or maybe you are one of those people who considers that the century ends on the year ending in 99. And that would mean that the dates are 100 years earlier than what I have quoted. But I haven’t found out what the days of the week were in those years.