You listen to 'We Have Ways' as well, eh? I discovered it earlier this year (when The Rest Is History contained an ad for it) and after much dog-walking and a few long drives I've now caught up. I was fascinated by the truth about Battle of Britain, including the fact that the RAF was much stronger than the Luftwaffe when it came to amount of time able to engage in battle.

Another interesting subject from We Have Ways is.... was the assassination plot against Hitler counter-productive? The story of Bonhoeffer has often been held up as an example of a situation where, in extremis, Christians might take up arms against their ruler. Perhaps that's right, but the plot failed and Hitler became so paranoid that he stopped listening to reason from his generals, who in turn stopped trying to be reasonable with him. Arguably that may have made the war last longer? That thought intrigued me, though nothing to do with this post.

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Wow. Complex! Yes, the plot against Hitler was really unfortunate in the way it worked out - in the worst possible way for everyone. Millions. Gah. But it's a great podcast, esp for WW2 nuts like me!

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